Take Action
Culture & Climate has joined numerous organizations associated with supporting Indigenous cultures and sustainable initiative. Together, we are calling on governments to address ongoing environmental racism and ignorance and frequent irresponsible management of cultural preservation and sustainable growth.
Environmental Defense
Environmental Defence is a Canadian organization dedicated to protecting clean water, tackling climate change, reducing plastic pollution, and creating healthier communities. Your donation helps safeguard freshwater, promote sustainable living, and advocate for a cleaner, greener future.
Keepers of the Waters
Keepers of the Waters supports projects financially, logistically and legally and backs communities struggling to maintain control over their freshwater sources in the face of corporate grabbing for pristine water sources. our donation will help fund projects like the Museum of Water in Burkina Faso, the African Healing Garden in Pittsburgh, the cleanup of the Cheyenne River in South Dakota, and many other projects worldwide. They need your support to continue these and many other projects worldwide.